We receive many questions about tooth whitening every day. With so much information available, it can be confusing and overwhelming to discern which option is right for you. A bright smile begins with regular care and maintenance. Daily home hygiene and regular visits to our office for cleanings will keep your smile healthy and bright. Once your teeth and gums are being properly maintained and you still desire to whiten the shade of your teeth, the next step is choosing a whitening product. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes tend to be abrasive and can cause teeth to become sensitive. Even over the counter products, like whitening strips, pens or gels have a tendency to cause cold sensitivity. These products have a lower concentration than prescription strength whitening products. As a result they may not provide you with the results you are looking for and leave you at a higher risk for cold sensitivity. If you experience cold sensitivity from ANY whitening product, please let us know. We do have desensitizers to help.
At our office, we offer two whitening products, Polanight and Kör Deep Bleaching. The Polanight system is a take-home product typically used through the night. It is excellent for adults who have not whitened before and are looking for a brighter smile without the cold sensitivity side effect. The Kör system is the product of choice for anyone who has whitened previously without excellent results, has long-term deep stains on their teeth, or has a tendency toward severe cold sensitivity. Both systems include custom-made take-home trays and home whitening treatment. The Kör whitening also includes some in-office treatment. The advantage of both systems is they are aqueous based providing a true long-lasting whitening, rather than a dehydration whitening from other products. This dehydration effect from other whitening systems is what causes cold sensitivity. Both systems are at a neutral pH. They have a buffering system to maintain a neutral pH even in the presence of the acidic ions given off during the whitening process, which provides stronger whitening and less sensitivity. After the initial whitening treatment, we recommend continuing with at-home treatment once per month for maintenance. At Williamsburg Center for Dental Health, we are here to help you achieve the best results. That’s why we offer the leading products for the most predictable whitening. Please don’t hesitate to talk with us about your desire for a brighter, whiter smile!