Dental FillingsWilliamsburg, VA Dentist Office

Thorough and Thoughtful Treatment for Cavities at Williamsburg Center For Dental Health

At WCDH, we know that getting a filling is no fun for anyone. Luckily, you can trust our sensitive and gentle care to get your teeth back in shape in the event of a cavity. We are firm believers in preventative care and use fluoride, sealants, and education about good oral hygiene for all ages to stop cavities before they even begin.

When cavities do happen, we are ready to help. Williamsburg Center for Dental Health aims to make fillings as easy, painless, and durable as possible for patients who require restorative dentistry services in Williamsburg, VA. We use tooth-colored enamel, which is both longer-lasting and more conspicuous than metal for filling small cavities.

If the tooth requires extra strength, we may recommend a porcelain dental crown. As with all dental work, it is extremely important that you schedule regular appointments to check for further decay, evaluate the need for any more fillings, and ensure that preexisting fillings are in good shape.


Tooth decay and cavities are common dental concerns can affect even very young children. Factors that can contribute to cavities in children include poor nutrition, a sugary diet, sucking on juices in sippy cups or bottles, and genetic predispositions to decay.

Dr. Hall screens for the early signs of decay at all routine dental visits, alerting patients, and parents to the need for treatment and offering advice for improving dental health. A healthy diet, regular dental care, and a good daily oral hygiene routine all play a role in preventing decay and disease.

We provide age-appropriate dental care and advice to help your child learn to care for their growing smile and to develop lasting good habits.


The dental filling process is completed in a single visit and typically causes minimal discomfort. Most patients return to their daily routine immediately afterward.

To begin the placement of a dental filling, our dental care team will prepare and clean the tooth to be treated. A topical and local anesthetic is applied to keep you comfortable while we remove the decayed tooth structure and place the filling material.

Dr. Hall will gently remove any decayed tooth structure, clean the area, and prepare the exposed surfaces as needed for the placement of the composite resin filling material. We use tooth-colored resin for a natural-looking result. This composite is also highly adhesive and will create a secure and stable bond with the tooth to help prevent future infection. Once complete, the surface is polished for a smooth and natural appearance and texture.


What can you not do with a new filling?

After getting a new filling patients should avoid chewing while their mouth is still numb. Patients should also avoid eating foods directly after the filling is placed. Patients should also avoid grinding their teeth after a new filling is placed.

How long do fillings take to settle?

On average fillings take two to four weeks to settle down. Patients may notice tooth sensitivity until their fillings settle. If the tooth sensitivity does not begin to go away after a few weeks it is a good idea to contact your dentist.

Do and don’ts after filling?

After a metal dental filling, most dentists recommend waiting at least 24 hours before consuming solid foods because metal fillings take longer to cure. You may want to wait until the anesthesia wears off before attempting to eat in order to avoid biting your lips, cheeks, or tongue.

Can you chew with fillings?

We recommend waiting at least 24 hours before chewing where the filling is located. This will ensure that you do not bite your lip or cheek if anesthesia is still active.

Why does my tooth hurt after a filling?

Fillings might cause pain or dental sensitivity in certain persons. Nerve discomfort or a misaligned bite are all possible causes. After a tooth filling, sensitivity is common and usually subsides within a short period of time.

How long will teeth be sensitive after filling?

Within a few weeks, the sensitivity will go away on its own. Avoid things that are causing sensitivity during this time. The majority of the time, painkillers aren’t necessary because pain is low. After two to four weeks, or if your tooth is exceedingly sensitive, call our office to schedule a visit.

What to expect after fillings?

A few days following a tooth filling, you may experience sensitivity to air and cold or hot food or drinks. Biting on a fresh dental filling can cause more sensitivity, especially if the filling is for a deeper cavity.

How many fillings can be done at once?

The average number of fillings a dentist will perform in a single appointment is four. Having more than four fillings is not a good idea, because your appointment will be excessively long, and you will experience more discomfort and sensitivity. If you need more than four fillings we advise that you split them up into multiple appointments.